
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:45:16
【摘 要】旅游是秦皇岛市经济建设的支柱产业之一,自开发旅游以来,已经打下了坚实的基础。秦皇岛市旅游资源类型丰富,资源组合优势明显,地理位置优越,非常适合发展成为国际海滨旅游城市,是开展多项目、多层次的旅游活动,满足不同旅游者旅游休闲的最佳场所。本文针对秦皇岛市旅游业发展的现状。分析了秦皇岛市旅游业发展的有利条件,找出了其在发展中存在的薄弱环节,并具有针对性的提出了应对的策略。


Qinhuangdao City Sustainable Development of Tourism
Abstract: Tourism is the economic construction of Qinhuangdao City, one of the pillar industries, since the development of tourism, has laid a solid foundation. Qinhuangdao City type of rich tourism resources, the combination of obvious advantages of resources and strategic location, is very suitable for the development of the waterfront into an international tourist city, was carried out multi-project, multi-level tourist activities to meet the different tourism and leisure travelers the best venue. In this paper, the development of tourism in Qinhuangdao City, the status quo. Qinhuangdao City of favorable conditions for the development of tourism, identify its presence in the development of the weak links and targeted response to the strategy.

Key words: Qinhuangdao City; tourism; tourism resources; development;

Qinhuangdao City Sustainable Development of Tourism .
【摘 要】Tourism is the economic