外文文献翻译!!! 不胜感谢!!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:29:56
2. The impact of FDI at the macro-level
The impact of FDI on host countries can be generalized by actual impact and financial impact. Actual impact refers to the contribution of FDI to production sectors, which can be found in trade structure and employment, while for financial impact, we can looks at the balance of payments as a result of FDI.
(1) The impact of FDI on the host country's trade structure
One of the most tangible potential benefits of FDI is in the export sector of the host country as MNCs develop ever more refined international divisions of labor. The need for close interaction between affiliates and the parent at all stages of production makes it very difficult for a local company on its own to provide sophisticated intermediate inputs to a firm from another country. Broadly, export-led FDI for which products sell on foreign market is likely to increase export revenue for the host country; import-substituting FDI for which products sell on domestic

2 。外国直接投资的影响在宏观层面
( 1 )的影响,外国直接投资对东道国的贸易结构