
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:30:51

不好意思,有些专业术语确实搞不定 ,只有留起了,但是你可以去CNKI查某些范文,搜索,他们都有中英文的摘要和关键词,

The content of 多环芳烃 made by incomplete combustion of organism increasingly ascends in the soil, so 多环芳烃 becomes one of main organic contaminnants which soil contents. Aiming at 多环芳烃 polluting the soil,the contaminated distribuing status of soil by mensurating.

An Agilent6890GC-5973NMS gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer(GC-MS) was used in this experiment to test soil samples from natural reservations, factory neighborhoods, farmlands and residential areas.And related samples' data were gained by comparing sample 质谱 and expected compound standard 质谱,analysing qualitatively and quantitativing analysing by EICP area distributiong value of characteristic ionic.

The data of 多环芳烃 in soil samples from natural reservations, factory neighborhoods, farmlands and residential areas shows, the content of 多环芳烃 in soil samples from factory neighborhoods is more than that of 多环芳烃 in soil