
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 13:14:23
摘要: 展览展示设计自形成以来,一直是社会生活的重要组成部分,随着世界经济的不断融合,发达国家和多数发展中国家都在商业展示意图中体现出国际化,多元化的趋势,如购物中心,超级市场等形式在世界各地都不断涌现,并逐渐形成商业活动的主导形式。经济的发展带动着文化领域的发展,世界文明的发展史在20世纪末得到飞跃性的发展,信息时代的人们越来越看重自我体现和推广宣传,各种大型的博览会,展览馆等都为人们提供了文化和商业交流的场所,同时在其表现形式上也反映了这个时代的精神风貌。这种专题性的展览活动为其所展示的产品注入了更新的活力,并提供了高效率的联系媒体,使“观”,“展”双方都受益匪浅。展览会已成为任何一家公司市场企划的重要内容之一。展览会为展示新产品、欢迎和会见新的客户以及与老客户商谈提供了机会。通这展览会也可以看到竟争对手们的市场策略以及他们是如何动作的,也就成为商家推广产品的重要途径之一。

关键词:展示设计; 产品销售

Abstract: Since the formation of Design Exhibition,it has been an important part of the social life,along with the continued integration of world economy,both developed and developing countries reflect the international, diversified trend are in the commercial intent of the show. Economic development promotes the development of culture field, history of world civilization in the 20th century developed by leaps,in the information age more and more people value self-expression and promotion, various large-scale exposition, exhibition halls and so provide people the sites with cultural and commercial exchanges, while it also reflects the spirit of the times its performance in form. The features of the exhibition infuse their products the updated vitality, and provide a highly efficient contact media, so that the "viewer" and "Show" both sides can benefit much. Exhibition has become one of the important contents of company planning market. Exhibition provides an opp