
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 11:58:43

Deterrence versus Accommodative Enforcement Models

The deterrence doctrine can be traced back to the classic works of Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria (Beccaria 1797, Bentham 1788). The basic premise of their classic utilitarian theory of crime is that people are rational actors who behave in a manner that will maximise their expected utility. In other words, individuals assess opportunities and risks and disobey the law when the anticipated fine and probability of being caught are small in relation to the profits to be made through non-compliance. The view is that if an individual is a rational decision maker whose aim is to maximise expected utility, regulatory authorities should respond by deterring them from acts of non-compliance by ensuring the benefits to be obtained through non-compliance are lower than those obtained through compliance. It was suggested by Becker (1968) that this co

该威慑理论可以追溯到经典的作品,本瑟姆和凯萨贝卡利亚( 1797贝卡利亚,边沁1788 ) 。的基本前提,他们的经典功利主义理论的犯罪,就是人都是具有理性的行动者谁的行为方式将最大期望效用。在其他换言之,个人评估的机会与风险和不服从法律时,预期罚款和概率被卷入是小,在关系到利润,必须经由不遵守。的看法是,如果个人是一个理性的决策者,其目的是最大限度地期望效用,监管当局应作出回应,阻吓他们不遵守行为,以确保利益得到通过不遵守均低于那些获得通过顺从。有人建议,由贝克尔( 1968年) ,这可能是取得了以下两种方法之一: 1 )增加的机会,检测非compliers ;和b )增加制裁,以点不遵守成为非理性的。贝克尔( 1968年,页208 )认为,当局需要找到一个适当的平衡这两者之间的措施,使遵守的行为的理性选择。
这是在六十年代后期,研究人员成为特别有兴趣研究的影响,威慑对遵守法律。而事实上,一些研究人员报告逆之间的关系的威胁,法律处罚和数量的犯罪(例如,吉布斯1968年,詹森1969年, tittle 1969年) 。双方吉布斯( 1968年)和tittle ( 1969年)报道的证据之间的关系肯定受到法律制裁和犯罪率,以及詹森( 1969 )报道的证据之间的关系知觉风险的法律制裁,并自报拖欠的水平。

Deterrence versus Accommodative Enforcement Models

The deterrence doctrine can be traced back to the classic works of Jeremy Bentham and Cesare Beccaria (Beccaria 1797, Bentham 1788). The basic premise of their classic utilitarian theory of crime is that people are rational actors who behave in a manner that will maximise their expected utility. In other words, individuals assess opportunities and risks and dis