
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 01:20:43
纵观人类历史,可以说,广告历史悠久。人类祖先开始利用姿态(如舞蹈)、声音(如叫卖)、火光(如烽火)进行广告传播,后来又发明和运用语言与文字,扩大了广告传播的深度和广度。(注:何猛修编:《现代广告学》,复旦大学出版社1996年版,第2页。 )广播与电视等大众传播媒介的出现,使人类广告传播再次发生质的变化。在广告传播媒介不断发展的同时,19世纪以来专业广告公司的形成、普及与发展,加速了广告研究的进程。1812年,世界第一家广告专业公司在伦敦开业;1869年,美国费城成立了艾尔父子广告公司。(注:赵育冀编:《现代广告学》,中国商业出版社1987年版,第6页。)这些都说明, 人类对广告的研究,已从静止的文字、图案,发展到动态的广告活动过程,并促成了广告学的产生。


Throughout human history, it can be said, advertising has a long history. Human ancestors started to use gestures (such as dance), sound (such as selling), fire (such as the War) ad spread, and later the invention and use of language and text, and expand the dissemination of advertising the depth and breadth. (Note: Dr Meng revision: "Modern Advertising", Fudan University Press 1996 edition, p. 2.) Radio and television, such as the emergence of the mass media, advertising spread of the human recurrence of qualitative change. Advertising media in the development of the 19th century since the formation of professional advertising companies, universal and development, advertising research has accelerated the process. 1812, the world's first professional company in London advertising business; 1869, the United States Al and his son set up a Philadelphia advertising firm. (Note: ZHAO Yu Ji series: "Modern Advertising," the Chinese commercial publishers 1987 editio