
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 22:22:36
Risky sports are exciting but dangerous.However, there are still lot of poeple risk their life trying it.Do you think they are worthwhile? Why?

First of all, I would like to tell you one of my favorite commericials. That is Nike’s “ Just do it!” I would say nothng is really safe in this world. There is always a potential risk or danger in all kinds of sports, even those indoor sports. For example, each year a number of people drown in the peaceful swimming pool rather than in the wavy oceans . Shall people quit swimming just because of some people drown? No way. This is just like there are airplane crashes each year. But people still take the risk of taking the flights.
Life is short. It is the quality of life that matters. In my opinion, the quality of life is doing something one enjoys most. I personally enjoy playing badminton,swimming, and jogging.As long as I enjoy doing all this stuff, I don't care whether I will hurt my back, or sprain my ankle or something more serious.Of course, taking risks does not mean taking no precautions. A smart sports lover knows how to take care of himself or herself. In a word,