
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:43:06

现代服务业的发展水平是衡量一个国家或地区经济现代化、国际化程度的标志,也是运用信息技术发展知识经济的基础。改革开放以来,黑龙江现代服务业有了较快的发展,但与经济发展的水平相比仍然是滞后的。黑龙江省现代服务业存在增加值比重低、增长方式落后等问题, 在全国经济发展中,连续四年位次不能前移的重要原因之一,在于服务业发展缓慢。应进一步对外开放,拓宽投融资渠道,重视服务营销,加速其发展。这主要是由历史原因、体制性政策性障碍和服务业内部结构不合理等原因造成的。我省服务业发展的潜力是巨大的,但需要观念改变以及体制和政策上的改革。在老工业基地改造和振兴中,服务业的发展与工业的发展相伴而行,我们要改造传统服务业,拓展新兴服务业发展空间,充分发挥服务业对经济发展的重要支撑作用。
关键词: 现代服务业; 发展; 问题 ;对策

The level of development of modern service industry is a measure of a country or a region's economic modernization and internationalization of the extent of the signs, the use of information technology is the basis for the development of a knowledge-based economy. Since reform and opening up, Heilongjiang modern service industry with rapid development, but with the level of economic development is still lagging behind compared to the. Existence of modern service industry in Heilongjiang Province to increase the proportion of low value, behind issues such as the mode of growth, economic development in the country, ranking for four consecutive years can not be moved forward one of the important reasons is that the slow development of the service industry. Should be further opening to the outside world, expand investment and financing channels and marketing services to accelerate its development. This is mainly from historical reasons, institutional and policy obstacles to the inte