
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:41:47
The man who designs in this spirit and with the sense of responsibility to the generation he lives in must be no coward, no denier, no bookworm, no dilettante. He must live of his life and for his life in the fullest, most consummate sense. He must realize at once and with the grasp of inspiration that the problem of the tall office building is one of the most stupendous, one of the most magnificent opportunities that the Lord of Nature in His beneficence has ever offered to the proud spirit of man.
That this has not been perceived-indeed, has been flatly denied-is an exhibition of human perversity that must give us pause.

One more consideration. Let us now lift this question into the region of calm,philosophic observation. Let us seek a comprehensive, a final solution: let the problem indeed dissolve.
Certain critics,and very thoughtful ones, have advanced the theory that the true prototype of the tall office building is the classical column, consisting of base, s

该名男子谁的设计,在这方面的精神和与责任感的一代,他的生命,必须在没有懦夫,没有细旦,没有书虫,没有dilettante 。他必须住他的生命和他的生命在充分,最完善的意识。他必须明白,在一次与把握灵感的问题,高耸的办公大楼,是其中一个最了不起的,其中最宏伟的机会,上帝的性质,在他的慈善都提供给引以自豪的精神的人。

其他theorizers ,假设神秘的象征意义, SA服务指导,引述许多trinities在性质上和艺术,以及美容和conclusiveness这种三位一体的团结。他们平均美丽的素数,神秘主义的数目,三,美丽的所有的东西都是在三个部分,至束手无策,天,细分到今天上午,中午,晚上;四肢,胸部,头部,构成了身体。所以他们说,应该建设成为在三个部分,垂直,大幅以前一样,但不同的动机。
其他人,寻求他们的例子和理由,在蔬菜,英国,促请这样的设计应高于一切的东西,必有机。他们引述适合花卉与一群叶片在地球,其长期优美干,携带华丽的单花。他们指出,松树树,其massy根源,其lithem ,不间断的主干,其tuft绿色高在空气中。因此,他们说,应设计高耸的办公楼:再次在三个部分垂直。