that's a wrap

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 22:44:23
that's a wrap 能怎么翻译 在什么情况下用~~
我是听剧俎收工的时候说的 是结束的意思吗

"That's a wrap" is an old expression from the movie industry. When all the filming was finished was finished, the movie director would say "That's a wrap!" I'm not sure why they said that, but it must have meant that it was time to clean up and go home, or that it was time to take the film footage to the editing room.
So you can say "That's a wrap" or "Okay everybody, that's a wrap" when you've all been involved in some project and the work is finished, so it's time to clean up and go.

"That's a wrap" 最开始是电影行业使用的行话。当整部电影拍摄结束是,导演会说"That's a wrap!" 我不确定为什么他们这么说,不过意思应该是是时候收拾回家了,或者是时候把胶片带到剪辑室去了。

所以当你参与某个项目,然后工作结束时,你可以说"That's a wrap" 或者 "Okay everybody, that's a wrap" ,就表示可以收拾收拾回家了。
