不要翻译机的~ 各位朋友帮帮忙~ 两天之内就要~~ 所有分都送了~各位大大抓紧时间啊帮下小第吧!!!!~~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 01:37:13


关键词:人力资源 激励机制 薪酬体系

Human resources are the most basic hotel, the most important and most precious resource. A hotel, regardless of their organizations how to improve, how advanced equipment, if the hotel staff did not play to their enthusiasm for work, never can not become a good first-class hotel. Competition between the hotel is, in essence, personnel dispute. Hotel financial resources, material resources, information resource use and management must be the impact on the quality of human resources, human resources decision of the hotel effects of the use of other resources and hotel business results. People often say this as: "Shizairenwei." In the hotel management process, only to the "Renjinqicai" before we can make "no-wasted." From the hotel human resources management point of view put forward reasonable "allocation of talent" and "incentive mechanism" and "personnel training" point of view of the relocation of Shougang hotel human reso