帮我翻译一下啊 谢了

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:16:43
These skids are always damaged when they arrive due to the heavy weight of the product.It has started to cause issues,delays and add cost to our vendors and ultimatley to us.

1)Skids are way overloaded. Depeding upon whose paperwork you beleive the shipment weighs 24492 lbs and was sent on either 6 or 7 skids .We do not know for sure because we still don't have the goods.

2)Our packing list shows 6 skids,evidently there are 7 skids, this discrepance has also caused issues.

3)These issues combined with Carotrans mistakes have caused us to be billed $350 in demurrage fees and additioanl fees for handling at the terminal totalling over $100. Our broker has asked that Carotrans no longer be used for any future shipments.

4)Please instruct whoever consolidates and packs these items that 4000lb skids are not practical to ship,they skids cannot hold that weight.They 1500lb skids are most practical.


这些打滑都是损坏到达时,由于该重的product.it已开始事业的问题,拖延和新增成本我们的供应商和ultimatley给我们。 1 )打滑的方式是超载。 depeding后,其文书您认为货物重量二万四千四百九十二磅,被送往就不是6或7打滑,我们不知道肯定是因为我们仍然不具备商品。 2 )我们的包装清单显示, 6底垫,显然有7个底垫,这discrepance也造成了问题。3 )这些问题,结合carotrans失误使我们帐单在350元的滞期费和additioanl费用处理在码头总额超过100元。我们的经纪人要求carotrans不再被用于任何未来的出货量。 4 )请指示,谁巩固和包装这些物品四〇 〇 〇磅打滑是不切合实际的船舶,他们打滑不能认为weight.they一千五磅打滑是最实际可行的。为未来的装运,我会分裂,这托盘分为两个托盘。此外,我将责成工厂,使托盘更强。有6个货盘为这批货物,但转发器的STS货运服务公司,我们suppier中国宁波基地使用,犯了一个错误,并装上一托盘他们的其他客户到我们的装运。的STS ,也是处理与他们的经纪人在目的地要解决这个问题尽快进行。我已指示我们的suppile中国宁波-基地停止使用此转发器。任何成本,由于这些问题,你让我知道我会再处理与供应商和我会扣除这些费用在您的付款,此发票。