
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 16:28:05

What is tactical
Tactic that is creative, seeking tactics that seek creative. This argument sounds a bit paradoxical, people can not help but ask: What kind of creative » How to find » To answer these questions, we propose to use the special definition of the following: competition is a tactical psychological point of attack.
Tactics must have a competitive advantage, this does not mean that we must have a better product or service, but there must be a unique feature: or small in size, or light weight, or cheap, good quality or the highest bid, Or have different distribution systems. Further to say that throughout the tactical need to have an edge in market competition, not just in one of two products or services competitive. For example, Volkswagen decided at the end of the 1950s introduced the first small car, named "beetles." This is indeed a remarkable competitive tactics, because at that time, such as General Motors Corp. is always big and stup