
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/13 00:08:36
21世纪,随着知识经济和经济全球化的发展,企业之间的竞争越来越表现为文化的竞争,企业文化对企业的生存和发展的作用越来越大,成为企业竞争力的基石和决定企业兴衰的关键因素。在这种情况下,对新形势下企业文化的 研究 、运用和实践显得尤为重要。营造以人为本、创新为本的企业文化,可以为战略管理提供最有力、最长效的平台。纵观成功企业的发展史,无一例外地都有深厚的自身文化的沉淀。但企业文化又是企业管理中最模糊的领域,也是迄今为止对每个企业来说最具挑战性的一环,它反映在企业的价值观、士气和沟通的方式中,也反映在全体员工的行为习惯中。这说明企业文化与企业的生存与发展息息相关,决定着企业的生死存亡。构建企业文化, 自然也就成为当前的热门话题,也是建立现代企业管理体制必不可少的重要因素。

21, with the knowledge economy and the development of economic globalization, competition among enterprises is growing performance culture of competition, corporate culture-to-business survival and development of a bigger and bigger role and become the cornerstone of the competitiveness of enterprises and business decision Rise and fall of the key factors. In such circumstances, under the new situation of the corporate culture research, application and practice it is particularly important. Create a people-oriented, innovation-oriented corporate culture, strategic management can provide the most powerful, most long-term platform. Throughout the history of the development of successful enterprises, without exception, have their own deep culture of precipitation. But corporate culture is also the most vague enterprise management areas, but also for every business, so far the most challenging part, it reflects the values of the enterprise, morale and communication methods, is also refl