
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 20:19:24

计算机系教学质量与信息反馈系统设计采用B/S架构,前台开发工具为ASP,数据库采用大型软件开发项目中优秀的软件SQL server 2000 ,目的是细化学院教学质量指标,科学的进行教学质量监控和信息反馈。

The quality of teaching computer science and information feedback system design

Abstract: With modern educational technology and management methods of teaching and the development of systematic implementation of the concept of research, some colleges and universities have achieved national teaching quality monitoring and feedback of information management, through the Fine objective assessment to monitor and promote the teaching and teacher School students, teaching activation of information, enhance the teaching quality of analysis and monitoring. Papers more systematically on the "Monitoring the quality of teaching computer science and information feedback system design" the entire process of development issues, discussed the teaching quality control and information feedback system design principle and technology. A total of student assessment system, teachers here, the management center, and other three modules, student assessment modules include assessment o