
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 21:55:51


In today's world of science and technology is highly developed, information technology advances, changes in the trend is unprecedented. People's clothing not only to embody the requirements of fashion, personality, but also reflects the taste of personal accomplishment. So just from clothing styles on modeling on the changes has been unable to satisfy the people's desire for new clothes and new needs, so designers of the attention has begun to shift to the fabric. As one of the three elements of apparel fabrics not only can directly reflect the style and characteristics of clothing, but also through the fabric of the second performance clothing designed to different results.
The second fabric design creativity is very important not only for fashion designers, but also for enterprises to increase value-added apparel business is of concern. Today, the textile sector need to diversify, personalized look, the requirements of the fabric is moving toward a creative desig