
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 15:25:44
本实验主要通过对不同体色野生和养殖日本沼虾形态比例参数进行分析,为种质资源保护提供一些建议。每组随机选择20尾虾用游标卡尺进行参数测量,分别测定体长、全长、头胸甲长、头胸甲宽、腹长和腹宽。建议通过聚类分析、主成分分析和判别分析对这些形态比例参数进行分析。聚类分析结果表明野生组青黑色与野生青色在亲缘关系上非常接近,与养殖组在亲缘关系上较远;主成分分析表明三个主成分对不同体色野生和养殖日本沼虾的贡献率分别是,成分1:40.037%,主成分2:27.01%,主成分3:17.901%,计贡献率为:85.617%(表2)。即它们包含了总变异的大部分,说明可以用几个相互独立的因子来概括不同体色野生和养殖日本沼虾的形态差异,进一步分析贡献率最大的主成分1发现,主要取决于头甲长/宽,头胸甲宽/ 头胸甲长,腹部长/ 体长,即主成分1主要反映的是头胸甲部分的形态特征,由此可见,不同体色野生和养殖日本沼虾的形态差异主要是由头胸甲的形态差异引起的。判别分析表明在第一组,判别准确率达到60.0%;第二组判别准确率为60.0%;第3组判别准确率为80.0%;第4组判别准确率为75.0%。

This study mainly through the different color of wild and farmed shrimp patterns of Japan biogas parameters of analysis, germplasm resources protection offer some suggestions. 20 randomly selected each shrimp with vernier caliper for measuring parameters, were measured in long, long, long head Xiongjia, the first Xiongjia wide, long and abdominal abdominal wide. Recommends the adoption of cluster analysis, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis of these patterns of parameters for analysis. Cluster analysis shows that wild black and green groups in the wild blue on the very close relationship with the farming group in the more distant relationship; principal component analysis showed that the three principal components of the different color of wild and farmed shrimp Japan's contribution rate of biogas Namely, composition 1:40.037 percent, the principal component 2:27.01 percent, the principal component 3:17.901 percent, the rate of contribution: 85.617% (Table 2)