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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 10:14:34
6.1 Understanding China English and Understanding China
In a time when the raise of international communication continues, China English is a necessity to transmit information mutually between China and the rest of the world. Generally speaking, it plays two important roles. Firstly, it introduces some phenomena effectively. China and English speaking countries have different history and culture, and there are many expressions or items in one setting while no equivalence in the other. We might as well borrow the established expressions in English, but sometimes they do not work well. Let us take“dumpling”for instance. The word means either small round mass of dough steamed or boiled with meat or vegetables, or baked puddings made of dough with an apple or other fruit inside. It is not satisfying enough to tell what kind of food in China is like and what is different from a Chinese dumpling and a Russian or Czech one. Meanwhile, the borrowed word“jiaozi”transmits the exotic message

在提高国际交流继续下去的时候,中国英语是必需品.中国和世界其余地区相互之间。一般来说,它扮演两个重要角色。首先,它介绍了一些有效现象。中国和以英语为母语的国家有不同的历史和文化,并有许多表现形式或项目,在一定的等价性,而没有在其他的。我们不妨借用,以及既定的词句在英语,但有时他们不工作。让我们以“饺子”举例来说。这个词意味着要么小一轮大规模的面团蒸,煮或与肉类或蔬菜,或烤布丁作出面团与苹果或其他水果内。这是不令人满意的,足以告诉什么样的食品在中国是一样,什么是不同的从中国的饺子和俄罗斯或捷克1 。同时,借来的词“饺子”传达的讯息,异国情调的食物,立即会有小的混淆,其原产地。和当谈到条款是指经典的作品,儒家思想在古代的时间,或中国传统武术,四书和功夫可能是最合适的方案。

我觉得楼上的翻译不错。。。真强啊 ,羡慕伊!!