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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 23:57:52
4.2 Difference and Connection between Chinglish and China English
In a similar vein, we can say that there is no clear boundary between Chinglish and China English, it is not possible to place them neatly into categories. Instead, they are situated on a continuum and progressively merge.
At the bottom end of the continuum we have a kind of pidgin, Chinglish, the words are ungrammatically strung together, usually with inappropriate lexis and probably only a partially comprehensible pronunciation. The link between this form of language and the standard English is tenuous. The internal flight system within China is rich with examples of Chinglish: messages in English rapidly given by the air hostess over the intercom are almost totally incomprehensible to any speaker of English, the main problem is pronunciation. Comparably, on the backs of seats, one reads the message“Use the bottom cushion for flotation”,which is perfect grammatically, but lost of meaning, especially as one

4.2 中文式英语和中国化英语的区别与联系
首先,中文式英文是洋泾浜的一种,在这里词语的连接不遵循语法规则,词汇选用也不合适,而且读起来只有一部分能够让人理解。这种形式的语言与标准英语的联系很弱。在中国国内的民航系统内,到处都是这种例子:比如空姐们通过广播快速播报的英文消息,地道的说英语的人几乎完全听不懂,主要问题在于发音。再譬如,一个乘客背靠着座位坐着,看到了这样的消息“Use the bottom cushion for flotation”,这句话很符合语法规则,但意思含糊不清,当乘客寻找坐垫而不得时更是如此。在机场,“Departure Arrive”标志在词义上说的通,但很不语法。我们也可以看见在卖漂亮行李包的地方写着这样的广告语“Refined:Buy rave refined bags”,这里真正需要用两个例子解释的是refined,但很多人肯定在猜测rave隐含的是什么意思。
我们再来看看中国化英语,它是一种像标准英语一样合适而有效的交流工具。它的发音十分贴切,不会产生多少问题,当然,由于中文的影响(与标准英语相比)可能有些表达方式和语法的差异;有时词义上也有所差异,但像Ge Chuangui所指出的,这反映了文化的差别。
在语法、表达、词汇和发音上对于这两种类似语言的评价标准,是与标准英语近似,或差异的程度。Li Wenzhong(1993:13)曾说,中国式英语是英语的一个派系,词汇、句式和文法都带有中国特色。它由标准英语而来,用于在语音翻译、借用和意义引申方面合适地表达中国文化特征。


在底端的连续我们有一个种洋泾浜,中式,换言之是ungrammatically strung在一起,通常与不恰当的词汇和大概只有部分可以理解的读音。之间