
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 10:04:25
初中书面表达:汶川地震 主要写大家的行动和你的感想。质量高的,准备中考

I am so sorry to hear that...............

Dear Peter,
Thank you for your concern about the earthquake that hit areas Wenchuan on May 12.Here is more information about it.
The earthquake is considered the most destructive one in the past 30 years.People suffered severe damages——Most of the buildings collepsed(倒塌),water and power supplies were cut off. Worse still,bridges and roads were completely paralyzed(瘫痪),making the rescus rather difficult. So far the number of victims has risen to over 50,000.
In response to the unexpeced disaster,the government took immediate and effective measures,calling on the whole country to get involved in the rescue and relief work.PLA soldiers,regardless of difficulties and dangers, worked around the clock trying every means to rescue the survivors buried in the ruins. Medical workers did what they could to save lives. Donations in various forms keep coming from China as well as