
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 02:21:04


1 .在银行网点开发客户资源,完成证券开户任务,耐心倾听客户需求,及时解决客户难题;
2 .分级别维护客户关系,对大客户进行重点跟踪维护,定时定期沟通,及时掌握客户动向;
3 .帮助公司销售最新基金,期货,外汇等金融理财产品,超额完成招商证券“基金宝”理财产品20万元/批的销售任务


1.XXX joint stock company

1. Banking outlets in the development of client resources, securities accounts to complete tasks, patiently listening to customer needs and timely solutions to customer problems;
2. Sub-level maintenance of customer relationships, to major clients to focus on track maintenance, regularly regular communication, make the best of customer trends;
3. Help companies sell the latest funds, futures, foreign exchange and other financial financial products, exceeded China Merchants Securities, "Fund-" 200,000 yuan financing products / approved the sale of tasks