
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 07:44:19
好心人能帮忙翻译下面的两段话吗?如果有不通顺的,麻烦帮忙添加一些内容,感谢感谢~ 希望能够尽快..


Have u ever been too fat?have u ever try the exp. of going on a diet and losing weight?Or do u ever dream about keep a stature as sexy as vitoria?
here is a story about an india girl,who absorbs faster than many others no matter what she eat.As a result she gained weight day by day.So she dicided to eat stuffs like glass,snails or stones to reduce weight.By eating these not only could she feel full quickly, but also avoid taking in too much and losing weight rapidly.though the examine she took in hospital showed nothing negative,this method could brought about damage after all.Judging from what was said above,I am Seriously against this kind of approaching to lose weight among u guys.Given u really want a hot figure and shape,having sports or doing exercises come the first.

You had been obese? Whether you had had the experience which loses weight crazily? Whether you did hope your stature can look like Victoria such sex appeal? some India girl, because eats ex