
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 06:03:50

arned that to our sorrow, Ser Donnel,” Catelyn said. Sometimes she felt as though her
heart had turned to stone; six brave men had died to bring her this far, and she could not even find it in
her to weep for them. Even their names were fading. “The clansmen harried us day and night. We lost
three men in the first attack, and two more in the second, and Lannister’s serving man died of a fever
when his wounds festered. When we heard your men approaching, I thought us doomed for certain.”
They had drawn up for a last desperate fight, blades in hand and backs to the rock. The dwarf had been
whetting the edge of his axe and making some mordant jest when Bronn spotted the banner the riders
carried before them, the moon-and-falcon of Hou