
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 03:26:52
What are the negative effects of advertisements?
次为英语口语考试作文题目,不是特别正规的考试,只是期末考,不要求太复杂的语法语句,能念通既可,时间要在一分半左右,本人英语作文不是太好,所以请求大家的帮忙,谢谢. 要有内容

Fistly,many advertisements play by TV,so many kids can see these advertisements.It is very possible that they see some bad information.It is a porblem.Becase these kids don't have the ability of identifing things.These bad information may influence them deeply.Maybe it can cause crime.
Secondly,many advertisements publishers play advertisements that isn't true.So,becase of fake advertisements,many peple may be fooled!
That's the negative effects of advertisements/

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