诚实是人类的基本美德 英语对话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 07:24:14
英语口语对话 谢谢大家了 至少20句
honesty is the basic virtue of humankind

As the English proverb goes,"honesty is the best policy."
Honesty means fairness and uprightness in speech and acts.It's a perfect treasure; the cultivation of it is the worthiest labor on earth.
It strengthens our mind, disciplines our faculties, and gives us independence of thought and personality.
Honesty should be practical in small matters as well as in big ones. For one thing, if you want to be trusted and respected by your friends, you must be honest. For another, if you want to succeed in your work, the first qualification you should have is honesty.
We know that,"To judge a man, one should judge him by his deeds. -Rousseau"
"True friends must tell the truth, no matter how sharp the words are. -Ostrovsky"
“The principal thing in this world is to keep one’s soul aloft. – Gustve Flaubert
“The truest politeness comes from sincerity.”
“Moral often can remedy the defect of wisdom, but wisdom will never reme