
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 00:10:45


"Robin Hood" raises social issues
By Michael Booth

Taking from the rich to give to the poor — old idea, right? "Robin Hood." The Great Society and its tax-and-spend philosophy. So last-century, or in the case of the forest liberals in tights, positively medieval.

Except the whole argument is back this year, in the unusual Republican form of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. He's spending some time on the campaign trail arguing that conservatives truly interested in a biblical way of life need to dedicate more energy and resources to the poorest Americans.

We'll get the chance to vote on those ideas. But what should happen in a less-just society run by tyrants, where the people are oppressed and wanting? Is it morally supportable to take what you need by force or stealth? Do the ends justify the means?

There are few better movies to frame these important questions than the 1973 Disney c