cheng_251231 帮忙翻译成英文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 19:09:36
摘 要

关键词:汇雅公司 营销策略 产品定位 渠道策略 促销策略

China's market economy developed by leaps and bounds, Chinese furniture enterprises entered the customer-oriented era, the advent of the market fully competitive era. Faced with the enormous changes in the external environment, the furniture industry began full implementation of integrated marketing.
Swot analysis in this paper use of the Accor company's own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing. 4 P from the marketing mix (product, price, channels, promotions) of the four areas, Blair's analysis of the marketing strategy. The text of the Accor furniture from the company's product strategy, packaging and positioning for analysis, said a modern furniture enterprises how to develop their own product strategy. In terms of price strategy, market position through the positioning of the challenges identified in the market price strategy, developed a cost-effective products to maintain beyond the competitiveness of prices, access to markets in the