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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 23:25:10
1. Those mighty winds pulled in a bank of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours and into the first part of the morning.

2. It was a different story in the southeast of the U.K.,clearer skies and much lighter winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figures resulting in a touch of ground frost in some rural areas. Redhill Airprt is a notorious cold spot and here we even saw a slight air frost as temperatures dipped down to 0 C(0摄氏度) for a short time early in the morning.

1. 那些凛冽的劲风带来了大片的云朵和几阵淅淅沥沥的雨,(这种天气)要维持上几个小时,这就是(这个地区每天)早上(经常)最初出现的天气特征.
2. 但是在英国的东南部(天气)就不一样了. 更加晴朗的天空,更加温和的微风,它们使得温度下降得不那么迅猛(下降的数据总是个位数),(最多)导致某些乡村地区地面会有一点霜冻. Redhill(红岭)机场可以算是出了名的比较冷的地方了,但就在那儿我们也只是看见在早上很早的时候,短暂时期内会因为气温骤降至零度才会出现的一丁点的薄霜.
