
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 07:42:08
作者在文章中介绍了由于政客一味的把纳税人的钱投在干旱地区的农业补贴上,以此来赢的人们的支持,造成很多农民从不去考虑怎样有效地对抗旱灾,甚至不用考虑当地是不是适合发展农业,而是过度地依赖国家给予的补贴. 从而造成旱期越来越长,受旱灾影响面积也越来越广.这种让我们这些普通纳税人为他们承担损失的做法是不对的.由于雨水缺乏造成的旱灾并不是不可对抗的,很多善于管理的农民采用种植耐旱植物,科学的利用耕地以防止土壤水分流失,结合天气因素判断是否适合种植某种农作物等科学方法,即使在旱期也能收到很好的经济效益.说明农民们不能仅仅把自己的损失归咎于旱灾,转而向政府要求的同情和补贴.作为普通纳税人的我们也没有义务为他们的管理不善而负责.

In the article,author introduced as the politicians vote money into agricultural subsidies blindly in in the arid areas.
It was in order to win people's support, causing many farmers from not consider how to effectively fight against drought, do not even have to consider is local Is not suitable for the development of agriculture, but given the excessive reliance on state subsidies. Resulting in increasingly long period of drought, the drought-affected area is also increasingly widely. Let those of us that ordinary taxpayers to bear the loss of their approach is wrong. Due to rain The drought is not caused by a lack of non-confrontation, a lot of good at management of farmers planting drought-resistant plants, the scientific use of arable land in order to prevent the loss of soil moisture, the combination of weather factors determine whether suitable for planting certain crops, such as the scient