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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 00:40:30

In order to explore potential for tourism development in Liaoning Province, the use of existing data and information from Liaoning tourism status and the problems start now, the combination of our province "11th Five-Year Plan" environment for development of tourism, such as the revitalization of the central government promulgated the Northeast The old industrial base policy and the Beijing Olympic Games, and many other potential business opportunities. Showed that: Liaoning tourism under the existing objective conditions, such as tourism resources, tourism source markets, and favorable policies, the status quo for the tourism industry in Liaoning and the existing problems and proposed the development of countermeasures, such as tourism image of Liaoning re-positioning and vigorous publicity ; Country tourism projects to encourage urban development, continue to grasp the development of tourism and tourism infrastructure construction to increase the number of days at the FI