
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 21:17:10
It is as though some giant’s hand were squeezing the trunks of the trees, forcing the sap up and along the branches, for the blossom seems to squirt into the air.
There have been other Mays in other years, but never has there been so much blossom.. The bees are bewildered by it. A few small bush-apples which were as austere as walking-sticks when I planted them only two months ago are now in full flower, and look like little girls just off to a carnival.
Peach, cherry, plum and apple strain into the air; all the trees in the orchard are out together, and for once , no clumsy wind has shorn or rain washed their frail, enameled , fine petals down into the lecherous hands of grass.
What flower is there as delicate as this flower that grows out of a knarled old tree with its trunk all twisted and its bark all blistered? It is a paradox. Beauty is always a paradox.
The village postman is an amateur with a grafting knife. But by “amateur” I do not suggest that he is in

虽然没有翻完 但是每个字都是自己翻译的

It is as though some giant’s hand were squeezing the trunks of the trees, forcing the sap up and along the branches, for the blossom seems to squirt into the air.

There have been other Mays in other years, but never has there been so much blossom..

The bees are bewildered by it. A few small bush-apples which were as austere as walking-sticks when I planted them only two months ago are now in full flower, and look like little girls just off to a carnival.

Peach, cherry, plum and apple strain into the air; all the trees in the orchard are out together, and for once , no clumsy wind has shorn or rain washed their frail, enameled , fine petals down into the lecherous hands of grass.
桃子樱桃 李子 苹果 的的枝条延展入空,所有果园里的树一同出发,仅此一次,没有笨拙的风或雨洗刷它们柔弱的 法郎般的 美好的花瓣令他们陷入挑动青春的草地之手
What flowe