
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:47:54
就是翻译下面的 真的是谢谢啦 我实在是没辙了!谢谢!!!

本论文的研究主要集中在以下几个方面:■ 人机工程学理论的阐述 ■ 国内重型汽车与国外的差距和中国重型汽车集团积极顺应世界潮流 ■ 汽车设计中的人机工程学:外观设计、驾驶舱作业工具分析、作业姿势分析与设计、作业空间与作业面设计 ■ 人机系统与作业环境 ■ 重型汽车设计定位。这些工作为人机工程学在重型汽车外观造型和驾驶舱中的研究和应用提供了全新的手段,具有比较大的现实意义。

关键词:码头低速牵引车 外观造型 驾驶舱 人机工程学 现实意义


Along with society's progress and living standard's unceasing enhancement, for the port city whole artistic, the harbor image's improvement, the government also as far as possible purchases these to be not only good because of performance various aspects, moreover takes the outward appearance handsome appearance more and more wharf low speed trailer tractor. Moreover the people during the pursue pretty automobile body contour and rushes power, also pays attention to the cockpit more and more design. Various aspects good cockpit design is the people experiences the driving pleasure, the satisfied people to expend the psychological demand, to manifest the main carrier which and the symbol the quality of life and savors, therefore, cockpit design whether to succeed has become gradually weighs an automobile to design the successful or not key aspect. Present paper's research mainly concentrates in the following several aspects: the man-machine engineering theory's el