
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 02:32:33
们在浩瀚的宇宙里,漫天漂浮的宇宙尘埃和星河光尘,我们是比这些还要渺小的存在.你并不知道生活在什么时候就突然改变方向,陷入墨水一般浓稠的黑暗里去.你被失望拖进深渊,你被疾病拉进坟墓,你被挫折践踏的体无完肤,你被嘲笑,被讽刺,被讨厌,被怨恨,被放弃.但是我们却总在内心里保留着希望,保留着不甘心放弃的跳动的心.我们依然在大大的绝望里小小地努力着.这种不想放弃的心情,他们变成无边黑暗里的小小星辰.我们都是小小的星辰 可以停止了吗?拿我的真心当笑话,爱情使人忘记时间时间也使人忘记爱情, 冷漠铸就了我的寂寞,温柔抹去了我的沉默,你的诺言我依然紧握,但往事已蹉跎,我问什么是 执着,你说那是飞蛾扑火, _其实.. 所有看到的东西.. 统统.. 都是一个圈套.. 阴谋``` ,就是为了那所谓的爱?为什么我付出我的所有而你还是选择离开?我不知道为什么,也许是你不想在伤害我,那你曾经所付出的就是想最后伤害我?执着是什么?执着就是付出不等于回报.不知道你是否会回到我身边,我不想在失去任何东西了,爱的废墟,等待也许值得也许不值得.

We in the vastness of the universe, filled the universe floating dust and dust-Galaxia, we are insignificant compared to the existence of these. You do not know life at any time on the sudden change of direction, into the thick dark ink generally go. You have been disappointed dragged into the abyss, you have been widening Jin Fenmu disease, you have been trampled on the Tiwuwanfu setbacks, you have been ridiculed, ironically, hate, hate, been abandoned. However, we have the heart to retain the hope that retains Not willing to give up the beating heart. We are still in great despair, with little effort. Do not want to give up such feelings, they become boundless darkness, the little stars. We are all small stars can be stopped? » When I really take a joke, people love to forget the time people forget the time love, indifference molded my loneliness, I gently wiped off the silence, I promise you still hold, but the events of the past has been wasted, I asked What is perseveranc