电气论文的摘要翻译 急!!!(不要在线或软件翻译的)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:28:24

The design of the content is 220 KV electric substations, Baishan City in part.
Design elements include: the main substation transformer wiring design and the choice of electrical substation main wiring design is based on the maximum voltage substation substation and the nature, to choose a substation in the system and the status and Suited to the role of the connection mode. In an economic point of view on the need to consider well, at least as far as possible to get the best investment programme. Choose the right in accordance with the requirements of the transformer. Short-circuit current basis, the system of substations in various voltage levels under the three-phase short circuit occurred when the bus, the flow of a short circuit were calculated. Fixed electrical equipment, thermal stability check, the choice of electrical equipment, including two major conditions: First, electrical equipment needed to meet the basic conditions, that is, the normal working conditions of c