o8四级作文 地震

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 01:36:17

aided. Statistics indicated that the disaster relief funds total amount has amounted to 20,000,000,000 Yuan, the People's Liberation Army soldiers has dug out more than 60,000 person of survivors. Although this disaster very significant, but has also given us many moves. Under our great leader leads, the nation emerged millions of such “the sincerity hero”. Our present's disaster situation looks like "Sincerity Hero" sings such: “grasps in life each minute, whole-heartedly in our heart's dream. Does not experience the wind and rain, how to see the rainbow ......”, so long as 1300000000 Chinese people condense the complete strength to a spot, 8.0 magnitude of earthquakes are also mediocre, the Chinese people more will only frustrate in front of the difficulty are braver!


去 小荷作文网找 我就在里面找到了 我还抄了
