急求专业翻译论文摘要 第一句要求用被动语态

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:32:06

In recent years, with social, economic, scientific and technological development, wireless communications to fast efficient and flexible network for the advantages it has been more widely used, at the same time promote the traditional control detection technology update on the crescent benefits. In recent years, become a wireless network in the field of remote telemetry rapid development of hot spots is one of automation products of the new growth point in the future. It is obvious that configuration, installation, modification and expansion of such areas, wireless network costs are lower than the cable network. In daily life, people in order to achieve the centralized control of indoor air-conditioning and improve the efficiency of temperature control system, will be the indoor temperature data collection, taking into account the indoor wiring restrictions, require the use of wireless communication means to complete the indoor temperature data Transmission. This issue is based on w