能不能把这句翻译 下

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:10:02
T1载波是把24个话音信道多路复用在一条高速信道上,每个信道包含7位的数据和1位的控制信令位,此外加入一位帧同步位组成基本帧。其中,用户的开销为24×1(控制位)+1(基本帧)=25 b 总开销为:(7+1)×24+1=193 b 因此,用户的开销所占的百分比为:25/193×100%≈13%

T1 carrier is 24 voice channels multiplexed in a high-speed channels, each channel includes seven of the data and control signaling a bit, in addition to join a frame synchronization of components of the basic frame. The user's expenses for 24 × 1 (control of) +1 (basic frame) = 25 b total spending for: (7 +1) × 24 +1 = 193 b Therefore, users of the percentage of costs for: 25 / 193 × 100% ≈ 13%