找高人翻译建筑论文摘要 急用

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 15:33:51
摘 要


Positioning and product design projects premises industry is an important aspect of the project targeted mainly include market positioning, regional location, the three areas targeted customer base. One of our major market positioning of our products is to determine the type and style; regional targeting key is to determine the sales market for our products and competitive advantages; customer base is mainly targeting the needs of consumers to determine product positioning and sales strategy. Product design main product planning and architectural style and content of some buildings and the construction of the location. Our construction of Shuxiang Mingdi, landscapes Jiayuan, science and technology settlements, health Habitat conservation-planning goals and the planning principles of real estate development planning.

Key words: project location, project concept design, product design
