
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 15:24:55

1 据我看他是个可以信赖的人,一个在困难时期可以求助的人
2 失业加上他的小女儿的死亡,几乎把他逼入绝境
3 和他的许多朋友预料的相反,jim选择了教学工作

In my opinion,he is a reliable man and a man who can help us when we are in trouble.

Unemployment and his little daughter's death seldom drove him up the wall.

On the opposite anticipation of his friends,Jim chose teaching as his job.

1.In my opinion(in my view),he is a trusty,whom you could depend on when you trap in the difficulty.

2.Idleness and his daughter's death almost corner him.

3.Counter to his most friends' expectation,jim chose to go into teaching.

1 据我看他是个可以信赖的人,一个在困难时期可以求助的人
In my opinion, he is a man who can be trusted and turned to when you trap in trouble.

2 失业加上他的小女儿的死亡,几乎把他逼入绝境
Unemployment as well as his little daughter's dearth nearly drive him to the last ditch.

3 和他的许多朋友预料的相反,jim选择了教学工作
Out of most of his friends' expectation, Jim chose teaching as his job.