
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:02:23

人类作了许多不利于环境的事,导致环境越来越糟。 不要随手仍废物。

人们砍树,随手仍废物,结果森林变成沙漠。 尽可能多去种树,让我们一起保护地球。

许多工厂排放废气,排入空气,几河流。 我们仅有一个地球。


地球的温度一在升高。 全部打完。

我认为我们应该保护地球。 再见。。。。。的英文。急求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On rehabilitation, to allow for human overburdened.

Many were not conducive to human environment, leading to the environment become worse and worse. Do not waste hand still.

People tree-felling, still waste hand, the forest into a desert. As much as possible to plant trees and let us protect the Earth.

Many factory emissions into the air, a few rivers. We have only one Earth.

Most of the rivers change dirty, not clean, fresh.

Earth's temperature in an increase.

Japan replies on day, the mankind can't bear the heavy load to ask letting. The mankind has done a lot of things unfavorable to the environment, it is poorer and poorer to cause the environment. Do not want still good-for-nothing conveniently. People cut trees, still the good-for-nothing conveniently, the forest is turned into a desert finally. Go to plant trees more as much as possible, let us protect the earth together. A lot of factori