帮忙翻译一下 可机译.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:07:38
1 对短期投资者来说,提供一个流动性强,收益率比定期存单高的投资选择.
2 对银行来说.克服了定期存单利率交底,又不能转让的局限性,有利于稳和扩大起资金来源.
3 有利于加强银行的资产负债管理.
1 与普通银行定期存单的区别
(1) 大额可转让定期存单是不记名的,它属于批发性质的工具,存单金额由发行银行根据市场的需求来确定,每笔存款的金额都比较大,面额固定,都是整数,按标准单位发行,期限一般较短.
(2) 大额可转让定期存单既有固定利率,也有浮动利率,在存款期内的利率随市场利率的变化而调整,大额可转让定期存单的利率一般膏腴同期限的定期存款利率,它虽不能提前支取,却能够在到期日之前随时在市场上转让,流通.
2 与商业票据,企业债券的区别


Large negotiable time deposits role
One pair of short-term investors, provide a strong liquidity, yield higher than regular certificates of deposit investment options.
Two pairs of banks. Overcome the regular certificates of deposit interest rates Jiaodi, and the limitation of not transferable and is conducive to stability and from the expansion of sources of funding.
3 is conducive to strengthening the management of assets and liabilities of banks.
And the general certificates of deposit, commercial paper and corporate bonds, the difference between
An ordinary bank time deposits and the difference between
(1) large negotiable time deposits is not anonymous, it belongs to the wholesale nature of the instrument, the amount of certificates of deposit issued by banks in accordance with the needs of the market to determine, each larger than the amount of deposits, fixed denominations, are integral, according to Standard units issued, the