
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 02:34:08
假如你是电台“”heart to heart"的主编Tracy请你根据提示写一封回信,在信中描述来电人所遇到的问题,并提出至少2条建议。 (80词左右,开头结尾已给出。)

from: Mike
Problem; a partner,talk,make so much noise,in class,play,not do his homework

Dear Mike,
I can undersfand your feeling.I am sorry your partner brings you so much trouble.

Wish you good luck!


Dear Mike,
I can undersfand your feeling.I am sorry your partner brings you so much trouble. I think you have to talk with him seriously, telling out your worries directly. do not fear that will make bad impact to your relation.i think normally, people won't be angry with the one who give good advice.after all,talking in the class also influences himself. if it does not work either, i suggest you have to ask for changing a partner simply.but do not tell much bad words to your teacher.i do not hope you two become enemies.

Wish you good luck!
