
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/06 14:53:49
4:10. Confucius said, “A superior man in dealing with the world is not for anything or

against anything. He follows righteousness as the standard.”

4:15. Confucius said, “Ts'an,63 there is one thread that runs through my doctrines.” Tseng

Tzu said, “Yes.” After Confucius had left, the disciples asked him, “What did he mean?”

Tseng Tzu replied, “The Way of our Master is none other than conscientiousness (chung) and

altruism (shu).”

4:16. Confucius said, “The superior man understands righteousness (i); the inferior man

understands profit.”

6:17. Confucius said, “Man is born with uprightness. If one loses it he will be lucky if he

escapes with his life.”

6:20. Fan Ch'ih asked about wisdom. Confucius said, “Devote yourself earnestly to the

duties due to men, and respect spiritual beings84 but keep them at a distance. This may be

called wisdom.”

这里有中英文对照的 自己看看吧

4:10. 孔子说,"一个上好的男人在处理世界方面不是为任何事或

相对于任何事。 他跟随作为标准的正义。”

4:15. 孔子说,"Ts'an,63 有一条跑过我的教义的线。" Tseng

Tzu 说,"是的。" 在被有左边的孔子之后,弟子问他 ," 他意指什么?”

Tseng Tzu 答复,"我们的主人的方式除了有责任心 (chung) 之外是没有人和

利他主义 (shu).”

4:16. 孔子说,"上好的男人了解正义 (i); 次等的男人


6:17. 孔子说,"男人被忍受直立。 如果一失去他将会是幸运的它如果他


6:20. 狂热者 Ch'ih 有关智能问。 孔子说,"认真地投入于你自己到那

责任由于男人, 而且尊敬精神上的存在 84 但是把他们留在稍远处。 这可能是

呼叫智能。" 狂热者 Ch'ih 有关人性问。 孔子说,"人性的男人第一

全部在工作考虑什么是困难的然后想到成功。 如此的一个男人可能是


6:28. Tzu-kung 说,"如果一个尺广泛地在人上赠予利益而且能带来

对全部的拯救, 你想到他什么? 你会人性称他为男人吗?”

孔子说,"为什么只有一个人性的男人? 他毫无疑问地是圣人。 平坦的 (圣人-

皇帝) Yao 而且避开达不到它。 一