网上为什么有的人喜欢乱骂人 ?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 09:13:00
特别是完游戏的时候什么垃圾 什么日你 听到这些觉得人受不了..是不是在网上看不到对方 就可以随便骂人了 ??有素质吗这些人?

谁说乱骂人,头脑弱智不会配合该骂!但有些人真的心胸狭窄,小小的事情就骂人;我是一个公平大仁大义无私的经常玩魔兽RPG七个人做为房主、指教过无数菜鸟通关的高手,所以因此,REMENBER THE NAME
You ready?
Lets go
For those who wanna know what we''re all about
Its like this y''all
It''s 10% luck
20% skill
15% conncentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100%reason to remember the name
he doesnt need his name up in lights
he just wants to be heard whether its the beat or the mic
he feels so unlike every body else, alone
in spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
but Fuck em
he knows the code:
its not about the salary, its all about reality
and making some noise
making the story
making sure his clique stays up
that means when he puts it down, tak''s pickin it up
Who the hell is he anyway?
he never really talks much
never concerned with status
but still leavin '