
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:23:45
we hereby certify that the representative of xxx went to France on business 和
This is to certify that XXX is the corporate representative of company who go on business to France.
原句是公司法人代表 XX 因公出差法国怎么翻译啊

如果要从两句中选的话这句地道些This is to certify that XXX is the corporate representative of company who go on business to France.
也可以直接说:XXX,the corporate representative of the company, has went on business to France.

This is to certify that XXX is the corporate representative of company who go on business to France.


This is to certify that XXX is the corporate representative of company who go on business to France.

This is to certify that XXX is the corporate representative of company who go on business to France.