
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:26:57
They come from________.They're_______(America)
1.There are some tea in the cup.( )
2.He go to school at seven every day.( )
3.It often rain in Canda in spring.( )
4.I usually get up early in my birthday.( )
L walk to school every day(同义句)
L _________school_________every day.
This is my father's new car(同义句)
The new car_______my_________.
It's time for games(同义句)
It's time ________games.
( )1._____do you usually go to school
A.What B.Where C.How
( )2.Give_______some apple.
A.Tom and I B.Tom and me C.I and Tom
( )3.I am not a student,________
( )4.There are only____in Mr,Green's bag
A.books B.a pen C.some money
( )5.We are talking_______the phone.

1) 错误的是:are,改为is(茶是不可数名词,Be动词用is)
2) 错误的是:go,改为goes(一般现在时,动词go要用第三人称单数形式)
3) 错误的是:rain,改为rains.(It做主语,动词要用第三人称单数形式)
4)错误的是:usually.改为:删去.(usually是频度副词,in Birthday是指一天,不能这样搭配)

3.同义句:go on foot.
4.同义句:is father's
5.同于句:to play
6.(1)C (2)B (3)either (4)C (5)on

America, Americans
are - is
go - goes
rain - rains
in - on
goes to, on foot
belongs to, father
to play
am I

They come from America.They're American.
1.There are some tea in the cup.( some-is )
2.He go to school at seven every day.(go-goes )
3.It often rain in Canda in spring.(rain-rains )
4.I usually get up early in my birthday.(in-on )
L walk to school every day(同义句)
L go to school on foot every day.
This is my father's new car(同义句)
The new car belongs to my father.
It's time for games(同义句)
It's tim