请英语大侠翻译下,明天要用的,要手工的哦 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 18:23:23
英国作家笛福的《鲁滨孙漂流记》是英国文学史上最早的、最重要的长篇小说。小说描写了鲁滨孙在航海遇险,独自流落荒岛,面临绝境的情况下,以惊人的毅力同各种自然灾害和疾病作斗争而取得胜利的故事。鲁滨孙的形象表现了新兴的资产阶级坚定的事业心和积极进取的开拓精神,反映了资本原始积累时期资产阶级的精神面貌。同时,他也体现了早期殖民主义者强烈的占有欲。 这部小说一问世即风靡全球又历久不衰,在世界各地拥有一代又一代的读者。小说从初版至今,已出了几百版,几乎译成了世界上所有各种文字。据说,除了《圣经》之外,《鲁滨孙漂流记》是再版最多的一本书。该书被誉为英国文学史上的第一部长篇小说,成了世界文学宝库中一部不朽的名著。该书故事情节引人入胜,叙事语言通俗易懂。是一部雅俗共赏的好作品。

British writer Defoe's "Lubin Sun Crusoe" is the earliest history of English literature, the most important novel. Lubin's description of the Sun in the maritime distress, living on the island alone, facing an impasse circumstances, with amazing perseverance with a variety of natural disasters and diseases to fight and win the story. Lubin Sun's image of the performance of the emerging bourgeoisie firm of professionalism and a positive and pioneering spirit, reflects the primitive accumulation of capital during the mental outlook of the bourgeoisie. At the same time, he also embodied the early colonists strong Zhanyou Yu. The birth of the novel that is sweeping the world and ever-lasting, all over the world have generation after generation of readers. From the first edition novels so far have been to hundreds of versions, almost to the world's all text. It is said that, in addition to the "Bible", "Lubin Sun Crusoe" is the most reprinted