
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 03:30:16
( 临沧师专中文系 云南临沧 677000)
内容摘要: 本文力图通过对余华创作转型后的四部长篇小说中表现出来的重复叙事的形成原因作一番粗浅的探讨,从而推动余华后期小说创作中的重复叙事艺术的研究向更深层次发展。余华艺术转型后小说创作中重复的叙事艺术表现得非常突出,探究其形成原因主要有:受音乐的启迪、现代主义和现实主义的交互影响、小说叙事的需要和余华叙事技巧训练以及余华小说在先锋与传统的结合部上的水乳交融。
关键词: 余华小说 重复 叙事艺术 自觉选择

Repeat: the art of a conscious choice
(Lincang Prefecture in Yunnan College of Chinese Lincang 677,000)
Abstract: This paper by Yu Hua's trying to create in transition after the four novels in the narrative repeatedly demonstrated by the formation of a superficial reason for the study, thus promoting the novels of the late Yu Hua duplication of narrative art to a deeper level of development. Yu Hua arts novels after the transition to repeat the narrative art was very prominent, and look into the formation of the main reasons are: the music of the Enlightenment, modernism and realism of the interactive effects of the needs of narrative fiction and narrative skills training and Yu Hua Yu China's pioneer in the integration of traditional and the Ministry of complete harmony.

This article by Yu Hua's trying to transition after the creation of four novels demonstrated by the repeated narrative reasons for the formation of a shallow, thus promoti