明天期末考,急需一篇英语对话!!see a doctor

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/11 11:27:39
see a doctor

这对于我这种英语成绩不好的人来说,还是不简单的,我现在没时间了,我想请各位如果有时间的话,请现在帮我写一篇 10句左右的对话~~

本人不甚感激....... 我拿来背。。。

谁最快最好我马上 加 分!!!!!
最好自己写,而且请简单点啊!! 别在转载!!我都找过了~~


哇~~ 让我百高兴~~~ 来的及啦~~大不了搞小抄!!!

好我再加30 OK??

-What's the matter with you?
-I'm noy feeling good.
-Have you taken your temperature?
-Yes,I have.It's 38.C
-You've got a clod.
-Is that serious?
-Don't worry.Take this medicine,and you'll feel better.
-Anything else?
-You'd better drink more worm water.
-Thank you very much,doctor.
-You're welcome.


p:hello docter %$£
d:hello&&,what's your matter?
p:my head is keeping aching
d:let me have a look ,open your mouth
d:yes,it looks not so good, what have eat for dinner
p:an apple,an egg,and%$$
d:ok,it doesn't matter at all ,take 3 tables in this bottle twice a day ,drink much water and have a rest ,if it won't be better ,see me again
p:ok ,see you

by the way ,it is writen by myself ,maybe not so good,but ,if for your presentation ,that is enough

医生:what's wrong with you? (你怎么了)