
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 19:41:31
今天的世界和平多半要归功于历史上那场惨烈的世界大战。 冲突会带来痛苦,人一痛苦就长记性,就像自己被蛇咬了一口,以后就不敢再碰蛇一样。冲突中人性的本质往往被暴露无遗,而人们才能从中得到教训。今天欧盟的产生也是在从古到今欧洲各国互相征战,敌视后的结晶.人们在冲突后最终能达成共识,未来是需要共同创造的。因此,冲突在带来痛苦的同时,好处也是有的.

Today’s world peace should mostly be attributed to that grave world war on the history. Conflicts bring pains, which help people to remember it, just like one who was bit by a snake will never dare to touch it again. The essence of human nature will be fully exposed in conflicts, from which people will learn a lesson. Nowadays, the European Union is also a result of wars and hostilities among European countries from ancient times till today. At the end of conflicts, people will finally reach the common understanding that future can only be created with their joint efforts. Therefore, conflicts not only bring pains, but also some benefits in this sense.

Most of today's world peace should be attributed to the history of that tragic World War II. The conflict will bring pain, suffering people on a long memory, like the one they were snake bites, after Zaipeng not like snakes. The essence of the conflict in human nature are often exposed, and people can get lessons. Today the